My Motto

"When You Take Care of the Inside the Outside Will Follow"

Monday, January 26, 2015

Does your body need to Detox?? 5 Signs to look for....

I recently told you about the 10 Day Transformation Cleanse that I went through.  It was a game changer for me, it literally saved my life.  I have struggled for so long but was always a step behind in everything I did, not any more!

Cleansing & Detoxing my body allowed me actually STOP all the harm I had been doing to my body and give me a chance to catch up and get AT LEAST 1 or more steps ahead.....and what did that mean?  Energy, well being, better health, clearer skin and oh yeah,    WEIGHT LOSS!!!!

But you may be asking, do I really need to Detox? Is that right for my body?  The answer is Yes & No.

YES you need it BUT you need to do it the right way. NO...don't start hitting Google or Pinterest with all the lemon water, cayenne pepper and cucumber waters to flush out the toxins.  Trust me, all they will do is help you release some water, make you very weak & tired, loose some healthy muscle tissue and in the end, leave you STARVING then binging THEN gaining back the 3-5 lbs of water + some.  Sounds like I have done it before doesn't it? THAT'S BECAUSE I HAVE!  Sorry, didn't mean to yell, I just get really upset when I see people hurting themselves like that, especially when I know first-hand just how bad it is.   So then what is a person to do?  and why?

Detoxification is a natural part of our body's every day functions.  We go to the bathroom or sweat when we exert ourselves, that's just 2 of the ways we release toxins.  Unfortunately these processes don't always work as efficiently as they should because of our diets, environmental pollution, STRESS and lack of sleep.  What is the result?  We walk around with a festering toxic waste dump inside our body which can cause so many OTHER symptoms in our life and our health. Symptoms that masquerade as something else.

Here are 5 Signs that your body is SCREAMING for a Detox:

     One of the main complaints that doctors hear from their clients is that they are exhausted, nave no energy and rely on caffeinated pick-me-ups like coffee and diet soda to get through the day. This begs the question, why are we so crazy tired???  Simply put, we are sleeping less, stressing more and eating far worse than the 20-50 year olds of several decades ago.

     A toxic body is typically an overweight one and usually the result of a heavily processed diet, filled with chemicals, pesticides, preservatives and alcohol. Removing toxins, reducing your chemical load and essentially creating a "clean slate" in an overtaxed system can and will create a shift in the body where weight falls off effortlessly.  YES It really will.

     The vast majority of Americans have a sweet tooth, you are not alone. The nature of food addiction, more specifically, sugar addiction has been studied and shown to be extremely common and as intense as an addiction to opiates like cocaine & heroin.  Part of the reason it is so hard to kick the sugar habit is that over time our brains actually become addicted to the natural opioids that are triggered by sugar consumption.  Just like with drugs, a diet loaded with sugar can generate excessive reward signals in the brain which can override self-control and lead you on the road to addiction.  Researches at Princeton University report that sugar-loving mice demonstrate all 3 criteria of addictions: Increased intake, Withdrawal and Cravings that lead to relapse.  Kind of scary when you think about it!

     We may have other cute names for this 'problem' like mommy brain or "I'm not quite firing on all cylinders" but it's a serious matter.  This presents itself when the mind completely drifts off doing even the simplest of tasks like having a conversation with someone or anything that requires you to focus. Hello, anyone at home (as you knock on your head)

     What trouble, you know like bloating, constipation or diarrhea, indigestion and re-flux, to name a few.  All of these are a direct result of 'garbage in, garbage out".  Many of these symptoms result from undiagnosed food allergies or sensitivities (like dairy, gluten or eggs) as well as the good bacteria in your intestines all being off balance.  Ewwwww

NOW, there are other symptoms that will present themselves from an overly toxic body:
  • frequent illness
  • stress
  • mood swings
  • poor sleep
  • headaches
  • skin breakouts
  • body odor
  • puffy eyes
  • dark circles
  • chronic pain
  • LONG TERM Toxins can lead to: inflammation, autoimmunity, heart disease or cancer
So now you are probably sitting here thinking "Great, you really bummed me out today".........   
 WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, that was not my intention, I would never tell you all this without giving you an idea of how to fix it.

Periodic cleansing can be just the boost to your health you are looking for and allow you to rid your body of built up toxins, have a stronger & healthier immune system and......wait  for it...LOSE WEIGHT! 

Just like you clean your house or change the oil in your car, you need to do an internal cleanse on your body to help you feel lighter and have more energy, kick those food cravings, clear away the fog, sleep so much better and have a general, good well-being feeling most of the time. Sound good?

This is what I did. It is the healthiest Cleanse option out there, the only USDA Certified Organic, Non GMO, NO fillers, additives, binders or preservatives whole Superfood program available. AND it not only removes the toxins but REPLACES them with dense superfoods at he same time. When you cells are nourished, your body thrives!

So you know you NEED to cleanse. You know you WANT to cleanse. So why not choose to do it with the support of someone who has been through it all, the good, the bad, the ugly and

Contact me today to learn more and get a FREE one-on-one phone consultation with a Health Coach to make sure you choose the exact cleanse program for YOU!

Credit to for information regarding 5 signs

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Wrapping up 2014......onto 2015

So it's been a while since I posted, well a month & a half but has been so much going on, family, friends, know the daily grind turns into the weekly grind, then the next thing you know the month is over. So let me catch you up!

I have been doing great with my Clean Eating Lifestyle.  I am learning so much each day!  I have been able to get creative with the recipes and I have found that Clean Eating is a WHOLE lot easier than I ever thought it would be.  Don't get me wrong, I am not completely perfect 100% of the time.  There have been some dinners, events, get togethers, moments and such that have led to eating some good 'ol comfort food BUT now, when I do that, I get right back on the horse.  That is something I have never been able to do.

So how did 2014 end?

So during the month of December I continued making good choices, I implemented my Purium Master Aminos & Power Shakes into my daily regimen and I am PROUD to say that by the end of December I was down a total of: 
  With so much going on I forgot to measure myself BUT I know the inches just keep coming off.  How do I know? Duh, my clothes keep getting looser and I can shop out of the boxes of smaller clothes in my basement (good thing for those cause this chic does not have wardrobe $$ right now)  What is cool though is I have checked my weight records (I have them going back 3-4 yrs) and I am smaller now at this weight than I used to be. Did I say that right?  What I mean is I am wearing small clothes now at 246 lbs than I did when I used to weigh this amount.  Which means......thanks to Purium I am keeping my muscle mass and it is truly FAT that is going away.  That in itself is a BIG deal.  I have done SO MANY other programs and NONE of them were able to do that for me, plus none of them were so simple and easy to follow which is what I need right now in my life.  I just don't have the knowledge, time or desire to be making fancy or complicated meals NOR do I want to be eating out of some frozen meal box or a package protein bar.  I want real food, the kind that was meant for our bodies, the kind that heals them and bring them back to a proper functioning machine. How about you?

So what's going on for 2015?

Well thank you for asking, I am approaching this year with a whole new mindset. It's all about "Eating Clean in 2015", that is my first mantra.  It's how I want to approach food. This year is about my health & not about the scale.  I have focused on the numbers on the scale my entire life and look where I still am, so CLEARLY that is not working. 

Think for a moment: We value our cars do we not? We clean them, get oil changes, put in quality gas, would you say you LOVE your car? Some people do but we certainly do appreciate what they do for us and we take care of them. And if they are not 'working' efficiently then we look under the hood to see what is wrong. Do we put soda in the gas tank for fuel? Do we change the oil with crisco? If the engine is knocking do we just take a part of our a generic box labeled "will fix your engine" and place it under the hood?  NO WE WOULD NOT!!!

But yet every day we just put 'junk' into our bodies.  Do we LOVE our body? Of course we do, we wake up every day with a desire to live so we do have a level of love for our WHY are we putting CRAP into them???  You may not like this reality but it's true. We want our body to work for us. We want to walk places, run sometimes, get up & down with ease, dance when our favorite song comes on, twirl when the breeze hits us just right, stop and pose when we see a mirror, jump when we see a puddle. All these things may seem small but they are EVERY DAY actions that many of us just can't do because we are not taking care of our 'engines'. This needs to stop people! And I include myself in this. I
want my body to be a Well Oiled Machine in 2015. I want it to perform in the top of it's class. I want the engine to purrrr and not spit & sputter to get going.

So everyone take this VOW with me:

If we go into 2015 with this mindset then we are all set up for success and failure will not be an option for any of us.  If you agree and vow to do this, please comment below with your approval and share this post with a friend who you feel could use the same encouragement. This journey DOES NOT have to be a lonely one. Together we can support each other to take back our health and really LIVE in 2015!