My Motto

"When You Take Care of the Inside the Outside Will Follow"

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My First Milestone!!!!!

Hey everyone, how have you been?  It's have been an interesting few days since my last post on Saturday, but slowly I truckin' along and I keep chip, chip, chippin' away.  It's crazy, I have had some wonderful conversations with some very special people in the last couple of days and what I realized is this, I can offer some great simple & probably motivating advice and yet not listen to it myself.  Mostly referring to the negative thoughts and being happy with your accomplishments, no matter how small.  My negative thoughs have been beating me up lately and I think part of this whole process is learning to stop them and say something positive to myself, EVEN if  I don't believe it at that moment, say it again, and again, and again. Write it on a  note and tape it to my mirror, car or nightstand.

Tell Yourself:

So......let me tell you how ABLE I am and that THIS SOMEBODY hit her first milestone!!!!!

I wanted to lose 25 pounds and I did it !!!
It took me 8 weeks and I am sooo excited. 
Starting weight: 292.4
Current weight: 266.6
Total of 25.8 lbs GONE 
My reward is to go get a pedicure (which I haven't had in almost 2 years).
So this weekend I will go get my toes did!

So what is on the horizon for me?  Well my next goal to meet is to hit the 40 lb milestone. So another 15 lbs.  Not too shabby.
I am having something very special made to mark & remember my milestones so I never forget this journey. I hope to have it soon and I will share it with you all!!!! 
(hint: it's a piece of hand stamped jewelry)

So thank you all for your kind words, support & motivation. 
TOGETHER we can do this and be successful!
WooHoo Way To Go!!!


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