My Motto

"When You Take Care of the Inside the Outside Will Follow"

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

7 Weeks & Counting

    Well it seems like just yesterday I started this journey.  I can't believe it's been 7 weeks now already.  

     I haven't been able to stick to any sort of healthy eating plan for  more than 2-3 in quite some time.  So I will say this is definitely an accomplishment.  I can tell my enthusiasm is slowing and because I can't physically see my changes I can hear those voices saying, "It's not working" or "take a break it won't matter anyway" and while I KNOW that is not true it's hard not to listen to them.  But I WILL plug on.  I have to make this time different. I have quit so many times.  I have tried and failed so many times. I have defeated myself more than motivated so many times that THIS time has to be different. THIS time I want to learn how overcome my obstacles, pick myself up when I fall and find strength from within that I didn't know I had.  I know it's there, just have to find it.

     Ok, ok, enough with that.  This is what I am battling with BUT if I focus on that I will get too overwhelmed and I haven't learned, just yet, how to really overcome it so I am going to focus on what my new POSITIVES are and the things that are giving me a little push.

     This weekend was really nice, we had a cookout and got to meet my niece Faith whom I have only seen pictures and the very next day Faith's little sister Grace entered the world.  We have been talking about taking a cruise. We love to cruise and are always on the lookout for a great deal and that is what we found. Hubby Max has been waiting this particular cruise in December that the price was just too good to pass us. So when his parents were at the house this weekend we asked them if they would like to go to the Bahamas. (there is some history there, my father-in-law worked on a ship called the Tropic Rover in his 20's that docked in the Bahamas, he has some really amazing pics of him as a young man in Nassau) Max has always wanted to take his Dad back there & let him see Nassau one more time and since this year is their 40th Wedding Anniversary it just seemed like a good time. So when they said yes, we all sat around and looked at old family cruise pics, YouTube videos and got excited for a trip. That night we did it, WE BOOKED THE CRUISE!!!

     So everyone, I now have a 5 month reward to work toward. But even before then, in 7 weeks we have a special event that we are attending as a family that I am looking forward to. Every year in the summer we attend a bible convention, usually held in Gwinnett, its 3 days.  Now what I wear or how I look is FAR less important in the scheme of things compared to the importance & value of information that we will partake in that weekend, but ladies, we all want to look nice no matter where we go and well, it wold be nice to have a new dress or FIT into one in my closet actually.

     Ok, so to wrap it up, let's see where I am and kinds the direction I am heading into the next 7 weeks.
After 7 weeks I've lost 24 lbs!  I hit 268.4, finally broke out of the 270's!!!!
Yep, 24 lbs guys, 1 lbs shy of my pedicure so you KNOW what I WILL be doing next week!

DOWN 24 lbs in 7 weeks
7 WEEK Goal by Aug. 16 - Lose 15 lbs / Weigh at least 253.4

I think I can do it, what do you think???

Now, I want to find a goal in between the 7 weeks & 5 month for the cruise, but between now & Dec. 8 which is 5 months & 1 week, I want to hit 200 lbs, that means I would have to lose 68.4 lbs.
Is that reasonable? Is that possible? Can I do it?

I  KNOW  I  CAN !!!!

WHO IS WITH ME????????????
Any suggestions on some in between goals to help break it down and keep me motivated?  

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