My Motto

"When You Take Care of the Inside the Outside Will Follow"

Monday, June 17, 2013

Changing my Mindset.........will Detox help?

Happy Monday everyone!

I hope you all day a wonderful weekend.  Mine was busy, nothing out of the ordinary I guess and as I sit here to tell you I have to stop and think....what DID I do Saturday??? (the mind is a terrible thing to waste, lol)

Oh yeah, I took the trip to Smyrna to The Vitamin Shoppe to get my Detox supplies. Duh, the one things I came on here to tell you about and I forgot the trip.  So silly huh.  But I did have some major accomplisments this weekend that I think were big hurdles for me.

A quick history lesson about me.  I am Italian. Yep, there is some Polish mixed in but there is no doubt the Italian is running through my veins.  Well I love to eat, pasta is a favorite of mine but really I love all food. But what is more of a detriment to me is I love to eat when friends gather.  Ok, so who doesn't right? But I mean to the point that, well, FOOD is the celebratory part of the gathering.  Even the smallest occasion my mind is going, what will we eat. Actually, my mind does that for so many things, vacations, road trips, mall trips, ANYWAY, you get the point.  Food IS the event. It's what I think of when I want to reward myself, to have fun, to rejoice, to snuggle up, to relax.


I want to look for other things as a reward and learn to enjoy the moment with friends, the scenery of the road trip, shopping without a venti, double chocolate, extra whip, latte!  And to do that means one event or road trip AT A TIME, the whole time focusing on the fun, not the food.

Well I may have had my first successful step this weekend. I was invited to a friends house Saturday evening for dinner. I asked her if I could bring anything and she said we have chicken, potato salad, baked beans, etc (cook out food) she said you can make the beans or maybe a salad.
As soon as I heard that I JUMPED on that word. I said, can I PLEASE make the salad since I am trying to be good and stick to my plan? She said sure.  So I went to my local Aldi, bought a bunch of veggies and came home and chopped away, I had a huge dish (I wish I had taken a picture because it was beautiful) of all kinds of fresh veggies ready to go on a salad.  Then I asked one more question, "Is the chicken fried or baked/grilled?"  She said she had both.  So I knew I was in the clear!  The evening went well, we had lots of fun, laughed and ate.  I made a big bed of greens, topped it with rotisserie chicken and LOTS of vegetables.  Then the taco dip came out, then a cake.  I took a long whiff of the dip, it smelled soo good but I said no.  I knew I could not just 'taste' it.  The over to the left I noticed some bright colors.  It was a huge bowl of cut up fruit!

YEAH!!!  I made me a little plate. by the end of the evening I had had 3 of those plates of fresh cut up fruit. Now I know I probably ate more fruit than I should of but I DON'T CARE!  I DIDN'T eat the cake or Popsicles or cheesy taco dip and THAT my friends was a success!

Sunday afternoon was a similar situation, our family was invited to lunch. Spanish style PLUS more.  I thought, there will be nothing there I can eat so I packed a Nutrisystem Rice & beans lunch packet in my cooler along with a big salad full of veggies.  When we got there she needed help cooking the plantains. So my daughter and I helped out. I cooked several batches of twice fried plantains.  They smelled so good and you would see the sweetness caramelize on the crust.  But I did not partake.  It came time to eat, I passed up all the home made fixins' and make my NS lunch, I added a little of the chicken to it and half of my plate was salad. YEP, I did not eat one morsel.  They even had 3 different cakes and a key lime pie. None for me I said. I actually ended up talking with a good friend about my new journey and eating healthy.  All the while snacking on raw veggies.  I triumphed over the event and walked out with out any guilt at all.

I successfully made it through the weekend attending to functions which centered around food, I turned them into a social visit about friends & family and can look back at them with a positive light and not as a setback to restart on Monday.

IT WAS NOT EASY!  I looked and looked and looked and looked at all those foods the whole time going, I can't have that. You don't need that.  Which was difficult but I made it. One day I will see those foods and go, Nah, not for me and never skip a beat!


Ok, so about that.  I started on Sunday taking my Cleaner pills that night and then today I started w/ a Protein Greens shake and my pills.  So far it's been find.  I have just had regular trips to the
This morning's green shake
w/ my cleaner pills & a large
glass of water. Also a NS muffin
bathroom, no stomach pains, uncomfortable movements or anything like that. It's like things are starting to get going a bit better.  I will keep you posted as the week goes on but so far so good.
I feel good, I'm not as tired as I usually am at 2pm and I'm about to starting cleaning the house which is TOTALLY not my normal task.  So The Cleaner pills from The Vitamin Shoppe are so far a good choice and I bet in a day or so I will feel even better than I do now!

I also hope too that getting all those toxins and stuff out of my system that it will help with  my cravings.  You know the ones that make you linger in front of the cake or chips or whatever.  Maybe cleaning out my system will help reset my .....  well everything so I can move forward (no pun intended) with even more success! 

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